Join Tiny Trees Art & Stories

Nature Niños New Mexico will be hosting Tiny Tree's Story & Art Program which is designed for kids ages 3-8 years old!
- A series of 5 classes that can be taken all together or stand alone classes
- This is not a drop off opportunity- parents must stay on the property
- Each class is from 9:30-11:30 on Thursdays
Our schedules will be as follows (with tons of flexibility and opportunity for child-centered and emergent experiences- after all- this is all about THEM):
- 9:30 Welcome The Group & Nature Walk Back to the Ponds
- 10:00 Story Time & Simple ASL Nature Signs
- 10:30- 11:30 Art & Nature Exploration
- 11:30 Depart Shady Lakes
Tiny Trees Registration is FULL for Summer 2021.