NM Backyard Biodiversity Challenge
During these isolating times, join the Bioscience Department of the NMMNH&S on a virtual field trip. Our first (easy) challenge is to find, identify, and share at least 10 species from your backyard or local area. Post to our iNaturalist project https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/nm-backyard-biodiversity-challenge
New to iNaturalist? Follow these instructions to get started: https://www.inaturalist.org/posts/9394-inaturalist-user-guide
This is our first event and if successful then we will develop additional challenges to be more difficult and have special themes. Be sure to invite and challenge your friends. If you enjoy these types of events, want to see more, or have suggestions, then please make sure we hear about it! More engagement by you means we can develop other events.
Thanks for your support!
-- Biosciences Department of the NMMNH&S
Click HERE to access this resource.