Tiny Trees Update
Our Tiny Trees class enjoyed a lovely spring day at Shady Lakes. We started our class with free play at our discovery stations and soaked in the sunshine. We sang songs and then joined Mr. Chris at the art tables. We used our hands and green paint to make stems and leaves We also experimented with putting paint on the paper and then folded it in half. Upon opening we discovered a wonderful surprise, symmetry!
Miss Amy taught us all about Canada geese. We now understand why they are so aggressive this time of the year. They are nesting and parent geese always want to protect their babies and their homes. We learned how to look through binoculars and got to see some turtles and Canada geese back by the ponds.
#natureniños #notallclassroomshavefourwalls #outdoorschool #outdooreducation #outdoorlearning #playislearning #geese #newmexico #art